Hi there.
Welcome to the 30 new subscribers who joined Marketing For Geeks since the last issue. Big thanks to everyone who shares MFG with their network. As a reminder, this is what you can expect from MFG:
Week 1: 1 interesting thing & 3 marketing insights.
Week 2: 5 standout marketing pieces from the internet → You are here.
Week 3: A Funnel Vision issue where I share the growth story of a successful African product or project.
Week 4: Actionable insights from the previous week’s growth story that you can use in your marketing.
ICYMI: In my last issue, I wrote about how to use the Kano model in product marketing, why brand manifestos are great, and why you should capture demand.
P.S. I’m trying to get to know MFG’s readers more. Could you answer a few questions in this short form if you haven’t yet? And if you’d like to join MFG’s WhatsApp community, please fill this form.
🔑5 Marketing Pieces
Since I wrote about brand manifestos in my last issue, I’ll share some great examples today.
#1. Twist’s “Why Async” Manifesto
Twist is a work messaging tool—an alternative to Slack. So it makes sense for them to back asynchronous work in their manifesto.

#2. Atlassian’s Workplace Woes Manifesto
Atlassian didn’t call this a manifesto, but that’s what it is. One of the best manifestos I’ve read. They took the results of a survey and used it to position meetings as the enemy.
#3. 37signals’ 1999 Manifesto
In my last issue, I shared a screen from 37signal’s manifesto. But before that manifesto, they had an old one. Back in 1999 when 37signals was just a website development agency. Their core values didn’t change, but their product did.
#4. Nike Running’s Manifesto
#5. Apple’s Manifesto
What I’m Reading
The art of naming your startup/product — 8 metrics to optimize when naming a startup/product and 8 naming strategies to use.
How June Grows: Winning By Doing The Opposite — Really good case study of June.so’s growth.
The 10 biggest mistakes I made bootstrapping to $1M ARR — Honest story about how Melissa Kwan built eWebinar without an abundance of resources or friends in high places.
Social Quitting — A 2-year old article about the enshittification of social media that’s still true today (looking at you, Twitter). Makes great points about how social media locks you in with switching costs; reminds me of MFG #11.
Do You Have an Acquisition Problem or a Sales Problem? — Self-diagnosis tool, Sales Deck Template and 5 Examples inside.
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